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Category: Weddings

Children at Weddings: How to Include Them

Weddings are joyous occasions meant to bring families and friends together, and children are often a big part of that equation. Whether they’re your kids, nieces, nephews, or the children of your guests, involving them in your wedding day can add an extra layer of joy and spontaneity. However, making sure that both the children and adults enjoy the day can require some careful planning. Here’s how to include children in your wedding in a way that keeps everyone happy.

1. Decide If You Want Children at Your Wedding

The first decision is whether to invite children at all. Some couples choose to have a child-free wedding, which can create a more formal atmosphere and reduce costs. If you go this route, it’s important to communicate your decision clearly and early, so parents have time to make childcare arrangements.

However, if you love the idea of little ones being part of your celebration, there are plenty of ways to make it work beautifully.

2. Involve Children in the Ceremony

children at the wedding

If you decide to include children, consider giving them special roles in the ceremony. Here are some ideas:

– Flower Girl or Boy: Traditionally, flower girls or boys walk down the aisle before the bride, scattering petals or carrying a small bouquet. This is a classic role that always delights guests.

– Ring Bearer: A young child can be entrusted with the rings, carrying them down the aisle on a pillow or in a decorative box.

– Junior Bridesmaid/Groomsman: Older children, especially those who are close to the bride or groom, can serve as junior bridesmaids or groomsmen. This gives them a role similar to the adults, making them feel important and included.

– Readers or Performers: If you have children who are comfortable speaking or performing in front of a crowd, they can read a poem, sing a song, or play a piece of music during the ceremony.

3. Create a Kid-Friendly Space

Weddings can be long and tiring, especially for younger guests. To keep them entertained and comfortable, consider setting up a kid-friendly area at your venue:

– Activity Tables: Set up tables with coloring books, crayons, puzzles, or small crafts. These can keep children busy during the reception or quieter moments like speeches.

– Quiet Corners: Create a cozy corner with pillows, blankets, and maybe a few children’s books. This can be a quiet place for younger children to rest if they get overwhelmed.

– Outdoor Play Area: If your venue has outdoor space, consider setting up a play area with games like lawn bowling, ring toss, or a small bouncy castle. This can be a great way for children to burn off energy in a safe environment.

4. Plan a Kid-Friendly Menu

Children are often picky eaters, so consider having a special menu just for them. Simple, familiar foods like chicken fingers, mac and cheese, or mini pizzas are usually a hit. You can also offer kid-friendly drinks like juice boxes or milk.

Don’t forget about dessert! Kids love sweet treats, so consider adding some child-friendly options like cupcakes, cookies, or an ice cream station.

5. Consider Hiring a Childcare Professional

Depending on the number of children attending your wedding, you might want to hire a professional to supervise them. A qualified babysitter or a team of childcare providers can keep an eye on the kids, organize activities, and ensure they’re safe and happy, allowing parents to relax and enjoy the day.

6. Communicate with Parents

Let parents know what to expect for their children at your wedding. Include details about the kid-friendly activities, menu options, and whether you’ll be providing childcare. This helps parents plan and ensures they feel comfortable bringing their little ones.

children at the wedding7. Be Flexible

No matter how well you plan, children can be unpredictable. Embrace the spontaneity they bring to the day. Whether it’s a toddler who decides to take a nap during the ceremony or a flower girl who gets stage fright, these moments often become the most memorable and endearing parts of the day.

8. Capture the Moments

Children bring a special kind of joy and energy to weddings. Make sure your photographer knows that you want to capture these moments. Photos of kids dancing, playing, or simply being themselves often make for some of the most heartwarming memories.


Including children in your wedding can add a layer of charm and delight that’s hard to replicate. With thoughtful planning, you can create an environment where children and adults feel comfortable and have fun. Whether it’s through special roles in the ceremony, kid-friendly spaces, or tailored menus, there are plenty of ways to make your wedding day enjoyable for guests of all ages. Embrace the joy and spontaneity children bring, and you’ll create a day filled with laughter, love, and memories to last a lifetime.

Hääpäivän täydellinen aikataulu

9.00 – 10.00 herätys
Morsian on nukkunut hyvin ja on täynnä energiaa! Tämä on avainhetki tytön hyvinvoinnille ja kauniille ulkonäölle näin tärkeänä päivänä, joten emme suosittele järjestämään polttareita häitä edeltävänä iltana tai tekemään koristeita häitä edeltävänä iltana, vaan on parempi käyttää edeltävä ilta rentouttaviin toimenpiteisiin, kasvonaamioihin ja virittäytyä tulevaan päivään.

Morsiamen kokoontuminen

Matias&Johanna, Tampere, Finland

11:00 Stylisti aloittaa työnsä
Päivän nautinnollinen ja jännittävä osa. Meikkaus ja kampaus keskipitkässä hiuksessa kestää keskimäärin noin 2 tuntia. Manikyyrit ja pedikyyrit kannattaa tehdä edellisenä päivänä. Jos mielikuvasi vaatii lisätoimenpiteitä, laita kokoelmiin tunti lisää aikaa. On kätevää, jos morsiuskimpun toimitus tulee noutohetkellä. Jos haluat kauniita valokuvia ja videoita siitä, miten valmistauduit juhlapäivääsi, pyydä asiantuntijoita saapumaan paikalle kokoontumisen alkaessa. Näin heillä on aikaa vangita kuvan yksityiskohdat ja valmisteluista syntyneet tunteet. Maksimaalisen vaikutuksen saamiseksi suosittelemme valitsemaan hotellin, jossa on kaunis sisustus ja suuret ikkunat lähellä hääpaikkaa.

Tapaaminen sulhasen kanssa

Alina&Ivan, Helsinki, Finland

13-13.30 Tapaaminen sulhasen kanssa/kuvaus hotellihuoneessa tai aulassa.
Morsian on valmis! Nyt hänen on kohdattava päivän nautinnollisin hetki – sielunkumppaninsa tapaaminen ja tämän aito reaktio hänen kauneuteensa. Morsiuspari tapaa kotinsa ulkopuolella, jossa auto odottaa heitä kuvaukseen lähtöä varten. Morsian lähestyy varovasti takaapäin, koskettaa hiljaa rakastaan olkapäästä, tämä kääntyy ympäri ja …ah! Kuinka paljon hellyyttä ja lämpöä heidän katseissaan onkaan! Valokuvaaja vangitsee hetken. Tällaisia hetkiä varten kannatti viettää koko aamu. Rakastava pari lähtee kuvaussessioon.

14:00 Valokuvasession alku kokoontumispaikan ulkopuolella.
Rakastavaiset kuvataan puistossa, jossa heidän off-site-seremoniansa järjestetään myöhemmin. Tämä on kätevin vaihtoehto, jolloin ei tarvitse tuhlata aikaa liikenteessä matkustamiseen. Yhdessä paikassa tapahtuvaan valokuvaukseen kuluu keskimäärin vähintään puolitoista tuntia, kahdessa tunnissa voitte toteuttaa kauniisti koristellun kuvauksen ja vaihtaa useita kuvauspaikkoja suuressa puistossa. No, jos aiot käyttää useita paikkoja kaupungissa valokuvaukseen, älä unohda lisätä aikaa ottaen huomioon liikkumisen ja tilanteen teillä. Ennen seremoniaa tapahtuva valokuvaus säästää vieraiden aikaa, joten sinun ei tarvitse huolehtia siitä, että he ovat kiireisiä, vaan voitte rentoutua ja vain nauttia toisistanne. Kuvauksen loppupuolella voit kutsua morsiusneitoja ja sulhasen ystäviä ottamaan hauskoja yhteiskuvia.

Vieraiden kokoaminen

15:30 Vieraiden tervetuliaisjuhlien aloitus.
Sillä välin vieraat alkavat jo kokoontua. Kun olet lukenut kutsuista, että vieraiden kokoontuminen alkaa puoli tuntia ennen seremoniaa, monet ystävät ja sukulaiset lähestyvät jo juhlapaikkaa. Kaari on valmiina paikan päällä, tuolit on järjestetty, kevyt musiikki soi, äänentoistolaitteet on asennettu. Seremoniamestari on ilmestymässä ja kutsuu kaikki istumaan paikoilleen.


Lili&Julius, Turku, Finland

16:00 Avioliiton rekisteröinti
Kauan odotettu musiikki soi ja sulhanen seisoo kaaren edessä. Musiikki vaihtuu ja hän, morsian, astuu ulos isänsä kanssa. Isä luovuttaa hänet tulevalle aviomiehelleen. Se on tapahtumassa. Hiljainen “tahdon”, sormukset vapisevissa käsissä, rakkauden valan vaihto. Se on tehty!

Jos joku läheisesi haluaa toimittaa seremonian, siitä tulee näin henkilökohtaisempi ja perheellisempi. Älä pelkää “epämuodollisuutta”, hauskat tarinat ja muistot tekevät vihkimista unohtumattoman.


16:30 Valokuvaus vieraiden kanssa vihkimisenkaarella.
Halauksia, äänekkäitä “hurraa!” -huutoja, samppanjalasit täyttyvät, lasit kilisevät, onnittelut kuuluvat. Yhteiskuvat vanhempien, morsiusneitojen ja kaikkien vieraiden kanssa. Sujuva siirtyminen läheiseen ravintolaan. Jos ravintola ei ole kävelymatkan päässä, vieraat siirtyvät heille tilattuun kuljetukseen ja lähtevät juhlapaikalle.

Juhlan aloitus

17:00 Juhla alkaa
Ensimmäiset maljapuheet, läheisten onnittelut, morsiamen isän puhe. Onnen kyyneleet vanhempien kasvoilla, koskettavat puheet, päivän arvokkaimmat ja vilpittömimmät hetket.


18:00 Kuumat alkupalat
Kuumien alkupalojen tarjoilu. Ensimmäiset 2-3 tuntia ovat ruokailun kannalta stressaavimmat, vieraita ei kannata hoputtaa tanssimaan, vaan odottaa, kunnes kaikki ovat tyytyväisiä. Klo 19:00 tarjoillaan kuumia välipaloja.


Vera&Selestinas, Helsinki, Finland

19:30 Ensimmäinen tanssi/coverbändin esitys.
Musiikkiryhmän ensimmäinen esitys. Tänä aikana voitte esittää hääparin ensimmäisen tanssin, mikä näyttää esimerkkiä muille vieraille ja auttaa heitä olemaan ujostelematta tanssimaan.

21:00 – 21:40 Musiikkiryhmän toinen esitys.

Yleensä kaksi 40 minuutin settiä riittää. Seuraavia musiikkinumeroita varten tarvitaan todennäköisesti DJ, jolla on oma tanssiohjelma.

Illan päättäminen

Ari&Eeva-Liisa, Oulu, Finland

22:00 Kimppu/neitsytnauha
Kimppu ja sukkanauha ovat naimattomien tyttöystävien ja heidän poikaystäviensä odotetuimpia hetkiä. Huutoja, onnen kiljahduksia, hauskoja valokuvakehyksiä. Hääkakun näyttävä ulkonäkö. Juhlallinen leikkaaminen. Morsian ja sulhanen vievät ensimmäiset palat makeasta herkusta toistensa vanhemmille. Siitä, miten hääjuhla voidaan päättää tehokkaasti, lue täältä

23:00 Finaali (ilotulitus/bengalavalot)
Morsiusparin kiitoksen sanat vieraille, hääjuhlan päättäminen. Yleensä kuusi tuntia riittää juhlapäivälliselle ja siihen liittyvälle hauskanpidolle. Mutta jos vieraasi eivät halua hajota, tässä kohtaa tulee kyseeseen heidän henkilökohtainen hääjuhlien päättäjäiskuvauksensa.

Hanna-Riikka&Tatu, Kuopio, Finland


You’ve hired your dream photographer, and it is definitely within their expertise to make sure every moment of the day is captured. That being said, it is a great idea to put together a shot list with your photographer so that you make sure that the two of you are able to check off the essentials. From the little details to the venue setup to a couple of portraits — these are all examples of photos that will tell the story of your day from start to finish. Let your photographer guide you in creating a shot list together before your wedding day.
Creating a timeline of the day’s events and sharing it with your photographer is essential to make sure all of you are well-prepared for the day. It’s a good idea to allow a little extra time between transitions or location changes from the ceremony to the reception on the chance that things are running behind schedule. Make sure you talk your wedding photographer through your shot list and schedule photo sessions into your timeline for couples’ portraits, wedding parties, family, and any other specific requests.
The rings, bouquets, wedding invitations, jewelry, boutonnieres, shoes, and cufflinks are all gorgeous details that shouldn’t be forgotten! It’s helpful for your wedding photographer to rely on a wedding party member or another helper to organize these items, so make sure to keep them close!
I absolutely love this modern twist on the traditional wedding that gives you and your fiancé the opportunity to see each other for the first time in a more private setting. The first look is a photographer’s dream because it allows extra time for a couple of portraits while you are fresh and looking your best, which may otherwise be pushed off to later in the day or evening. You can also take this time as an opportunity to say a few quiet vows to each other if you prefer to do so in a more intimate way. Either way, talk to your wedding photographer about their recommendations for a memorable first-look moment.
There’s a reason you should invest time into finding experienced vendors that will make your day as beautiful, memorable, and stress-free as possible. And that reason is that they are professionals and have seen it all! Put your trust in them and their expertise to help guide you not only with all the preparation but also on the day of the ceremony. Whether this is your wedding coordinator, caterer, DJ, or photographer, it is your wedding team’s job to make sure you have your dream day!
This wedding day tip goes hand-in-hand with #6 (putting trust in your vendors) – allow your wedding photographer to gently guide you towards natural light and direction that will make you look and feel your best. I’m always open to creative suggestions from my couples, but I also might suggest otherwise if I see that perhaps the shadows from a nearby tree might not be your best compliment in a particular location. Not feeling comfortable in front of a camera yet? Schedule an engagement session with your wedding photographer before the big day to get used to moving and posing with your partner.
Wedding Photographer Paris
Ah, the classic Golden Hour is one of the most noteworthy times of the day for the couple and their wedding photographer to regroup and shoot a quick session with this stunning light. Golden hour is a photographer’s dream because the sun casts a heavenly glow, while your and your partner’s silhouettes are captured by the magical light of dusk. Allow at least 20-30 minutes with your wedding photographer about an hour before sunset for golden hour photos. You will not regret it!
One of my favorite photos of all time was taken as I stood directly above the couple who were laying in the grass below me, entangled together in an embrace. To get this shot, the two of them had to trust that my creative vision (and that lying on the ground for a moment) would result in an awesome photo. If your photographer has a creative or “out of the box” vision, trust them to deliver! It could result in one of your favorite wedding photos of all time.
It’s understood that a massive amount of planning has gone into your wedding, and it is one of the most important moments of your life. That being said, please enjoy it and embrace the unexpected! The day will go by in a whirlwind and, even though your wedding day photographer will capture all the monumental moments, my biggest wish for you is that you live each of these moments as fully as possible. Your enjoyment will make for the best photos and memories to keep forever!
Smash cake in your partner’s face! Whisper all secrets. Get down on the dance floor like no one’s watching! Light sparklers and skip under the starlit sky. Take shots (after all the formal photos have been taken, of course), and make faces at your best friends. Enjoy the night and have the most legendary celebration ever!

How to Get The Best Wedding Video Ever

How to Get The Best Wedding Video Ever

Wedding videography is an essential part of your big day. A wedding film can capture motion and sound, from you and your new spouse reciting your vows to your parents making incredible things on the dance floor, creating memories you can relive throughout your life and share with children and grandchildren. So it’s super important to find the best wedding videographer to film your special day, someone who has both a style and personality you like.

1. Get Inspired

Wedding videographer

Start off by sitting down with your partner and working out what you want from your wedding film. Look on Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube to see what other couples have done, or check out other events videography if you want to cast the net a bit wider. What style of wedding film do you like? Every videographer has a different style so give some thought to whether you want something with more of a “documentary” or “fly-on-the-wall” style or something that feels more like a narrative.

2. Ask For Recommendations

Recently married friends will be more than happy to share their wisdom – and show off their wedding film too! You could also ask your wedding photographer if they’ve worked with any fantastic wedding videographers.

3. Do Your Research

When you put together your shortlist of videographers, don’t be swayed by just their showreel! I recommend watching three complete wedding films from each videographer to really get a feel for their style and standard. Think about how each film makes you feel too. Did the videographer capture the emotions of each couple’s big day? The mark of a good videographer is being able to truly transport you back to that wedding day – and make you wish you’d been invited!

4. Have A Chat

Wedding Videographer

Once you’ve found two or three videographers you love, meet them in person and make sure you get along. On your wedding day, your videographer (and potentially their assistant too) will be following you from dawn to dusk – so it’s important you like them!

5. Pin Down The Details

Take some time to clarify exactly what you want from your videographer, whether that’s on your big day or in the finished film. For example, one common complaint videographers receive is that they were moving around during the ceremony, distracting couples and their guests – so if you know you don’t want this, make sure to let your videographer know the ceremony should be filmed statically.

Wedding Trends 2023

Wedding Decor Trends

When it comes to creating a great guest experience, you need an excellent design. Because these are the elements the couple and their loved ones can see and touch (we’ll get to the taste part later). So, whether you are a venue, wedding planner, designer, florist or rental company, here are the 2023 wedding trends you should have in your creative toolbox.

Unique wedding tents – Tented weddings are unique in and of themselves, but this year, you can expect to see tents like you’ve never seen them before! From colored tents to unique silhouettes, couples are likely to look for something other than white sailcloth to cover their events.

Statement signage – Even though you’ve seen statement signage for a few years, it’s becoming the norm and not the outlier. And with guest experience being a growing priority, statement escort card walls and signage are a great way to wow.

Wedding Photographer Paris

Residential décor – Couches, rugs, and chandeliers? Yes, please! Making guests comfortable is being taken to a whole new level with touches of residential décor.

Barbiecore – As interesting as it sounds, the Barbiecore aesthetic is a wedding trend for 2023. The bright colors and maximalist vibes associated with this trend are also very much in line with the 2023 Pantone Color of the Year (which is Viva Magenta).

Butterflies – A symbol of change and transformation, butterflies are popping up everywhere in wedding décor. From stationery designs and table numbers to butterfly releases and brooches, you can put butterflies anywhere at a wedding.

Western décor – While boho wedding décor was the thing for quite a long time, western motifs are growing in popularity. You can expect to have couples ask about modern but neutral palettes and tons of texture—luckily we haven’t seen burlap make a comeback (insert a collective sigh of relief).

Disco-inspired – Rich colors, shiny surfaces, sparkle and maybe even skates on the dance floor? Who wouldn’t have a great time at that party? Disco-inspired wedding décor is one of our favorite 2023 wedding trends and we hope it sticks around for a while.

Wedding Dress Trends

Attire is always center stage at a wedding, and this year, we’re excited to see the fashion going a bit over the top! Here are the wedding dress trends you’re going to see in 2023.

Colorful dresses – While white will always be a classic, it’s so fun to see people playing with color for their wedding day looks! From blues and bright pinks to floral patterns and metallics, pretty much no color is off-limits.

Wedding Photographer Paris
Vlad&Veronika, credit AnnaLaskev Photography

Feathers – A great way to add some fun to a dress (and one we’d like to see spill into décor) are feather details. Whether it’s a full-on skirt of feathers or simple embellishments, this wedding trend will add flair no matter what.

Gloves and capes – When a couple is looking to add some drama to their attire, gloves and capes are accessories that often are an easy way to change a look completely. But the right ones can be hard to find, so do your couples a favor and have a reference or two for where they can look.

Ruffles and bows – Oversized ruffles and bows are another way to add some drama to their wedding day attire, especially when they’re going for a more romantic look. And this is another fashion trend that is easily incorporated into the bigger picture of the wedding design.

Scoop and strapless necklines – A trend that has officially made a comeback is the scoop neck and strapless neckline. First trendy in the early 2000s, we might go as far to call this one classic after two peaks of popularity.

Wedding Photographer Paris
Teemu&Kirsi, credit AnnaLaskev Photography

High-low hemlines – Perfect for the shoe-lover, the high-low hemline is a surefire way to make a statement.

Ballgowns – This one is for the couples who strongly subscribe to a more is more mentality. And as some couples are opting for grand weddings after a time of scaling back because of the pandemic, a ballgown is the way to make a grand entrance.

Slip dresses – Another wedding trend that feels like a throwback is the slip dress. Originally popular in the 1990s, this sleek and elegant style is great for both wedding day and wedding weekend celebrations.

Food Trends

As promised—the 2023 wedding trends that guests can taste! And these are important to keep in mind since food is central to the guest experience and often influences a lot of how the rest of a reception is designed. So this section is for the caterers, venue owners, florists, planners, rental companies, photographers (so, pretty much everyone, really.)

Plant-based menus – Plant-based food is everywhere, and it has officially made its way onto wedding menus. This is a trend we all saw coming, especially since couples have been requesting vegetarian and vegan options more and more every year.

Grazing tables – It’s about time these gorgeous grazing tables officially made the list of trends! Perfect for cocktail hours and late-night bites, they are a great way to feed guests while adding an edible design element.

Local produce – Couples have been thinking of ways to make their weddings more eco-friendly for years and incorporating local produce is an easy way to do that. And because we know it isn’t always easy to come by, it’s a good idea to see who your local purveyors are so you’re able to confidently plan a menu around what they’re able to produce.

Plated dinners – Another service style that isn’t new by any means, plated meals are trending in 2023 because of their absence during the pandemic. This trend is also very much in line with residential décor and wanting to make guests feel at home.

Angella&Jonny, credit AnnaLaskev Photography

Individual servings – A trend that started out of necessity during the pandemic, we’re not mad about the individual serving trend sticking around. They make it easy to create movement and conversation in a space while also getting food in people’s hands, this is a great way to level up tray-passed hors d’oeuvres.

4 Reasons Why Great Wedding Decor Will Make Your Wedding Extra Special

When you think of weddings, you usually think of brides, decked out in their glory for their special day. What most people don’t tend to give too much thought to is the wedding décor. Wedding décor relates to the flower arrangements, the carpets, rugs, vases and even the plates that are used to serve the diners and the food.

Whether you are proactive and dictate every single aspect or you are laid back and go with the flow, your wedding planning style should make room for the wedding décor. From the flower arrangements to the name tags, wedding favours and more, the kind of wedding décor you have will be important to set the mood and the theme for the whole day.

Why wedding decor is too important?
Why wedding decor is too important?

Why You Should Pay More Attention to your Wedding Décor?

While it might not be your style, less is always more, especially when it comes to your wedding décor. It is better to have a few good decorative pieces instead of having a lot of bad decorative pieces. Another thing that many brides forget is that the wedding décor is going to set the scene or the mood for their wedding theme.

Many brides usually have a vague idea of what they want. Usually, they have instructions that aren’t very detailed as something bright and white, sweet and pink, ethereal princess or sometimes, a romantic theme. Other than the color scheme, the wedding décor you use will play a major role in defining the kind of wedding theme you will have.

Interestingly, brides and brides’ families usually focus much more on every other aspect of the wedding, but the decor. The cake, the bride’s dress, dresses for the bridesmaids and even the menu for the wedding, get first priority while décor usually gets left behind. But the thing is that décor is extremely important and shouldn’t just be ignored or put as the last check box on the to-do list. Proper décor helps to emphasise the theme, make an impression as well as offer you a number of different benefits.

4 Reasons Why It Makes Your Wedding Extra Special

So, how can wedding décor make your wedding day special? Many people look at décor only from a furniture and accessory kind of view. They only want to ensure that the guests have some place to sit during the ceremony.

It is usually hard to understand why and how the wedding décor can make your wedding extra special. For this reason, it is better to take closer look at how and why wedding décor can make your wedding extra special.

1. It Makes an Impression that Lasts

Wedding décor does make an impression that lasts. This is one reason why many people focus obsessively on it at times. From picking the perfect shade of cream for the handkerchiefs to ensuring that the name tags are hand lettered and cute, every bride is guilty of having done this. Many brides want the wedding to be so stunning that it incorporates a lasting impression. This is possible to achieve with the help of the right décor.

This is because almost everyone has heard horror stories about weddings where the wedding décor made a lasting impression and not the right kind. Though where the flower arrangements were weird, the chocolate fountain malfunctioned or the plates had a pattern that made them appear dirty and robbed the guests off their appetite.

Wedding décor is a powerful tool and you don’t want your wedding to be the one with the weird flowers. While you may not want to have a wedding that is glamorous or turns heads, you will still want it to stand out in some way so that you can easily ensure that people remember your special day, just as much as you do.

2.Décor that can be Used to Set a Theme

Themed weddings are a favourite, especially if the bride and groom are fans of a particular thing. From Star Wars themed weddings to Disney Princess weddings, beach weddings, nautical weddings, barn weddings and more, the décor is among the main things that helped to set the tone, other than the costumes of the bride and the guest.

Disney theme wedding
Disney theme wedding

Picking the right décor can help to make the theme look more coherent and thought out, making it easier for the theme to be believable. With the right décor, you can make it possible for the guests to believe that they are watching Princess Lea and Han Solo getting married with C3PO and R2D2 as their flower girls.

It’s not just the costume in this case, it is the décor too. Luckily, Star Wars has pretty mute color that can be perfect for weddings. Disney weddings are really preferred because not only are they brighter in color, you can also choose décor that has a purpose such as candy bar.

3. Is it a Wedding Favour or a Decorative Piece?

One way to have wedding décor that makes your wedding extra special is by turning it into a wedding favour that your guests can take home with you. This can be the unique name tags, or in some barn themed weddings, you can give away mason jars with their names engraved on them. Mason jars also add to the country, rustic aura of a barn wedding so that makes it easier for you to make use of them. Similarly, other objects like these are incorporated in the décor that make giving wedding favours easier to all the guests that showed up.

Why wedding decor is important?
Why wedding decor is important?

With multipurpose wedding decorations like these, you can both be thrifty and make an impression. Everyone loves items that are reusable and recyclable and your wedding décor can be the perfect way for you to do this. Another way that you can set up décor is to make it suitable to get a wedding favour for yourself.

For example: Some people give nicely packaged candy or some people incorporate a photo booth in their wedding where guests can not only take a picture of themselves, they are also able to write a small message to the picture and it will be added to the guest book. When it comes to functional wedding décor, you can’t go wrong with ideas like these.

Why wedding decor is important?
Why wedding decor is important?

4. It’s the Finishing Touch

Just like a dress isn’t finished without the right accessories to pair with it, wedding décor adds like that final touch. Regardless of the theme, the kind of look you are going for and more, the quality of the wedding décor can give it a polished look. On the other hand, the sloppiness of the wedding décor can be pretty obvious and give your wedding a rather shabby appearance as well.

Why wedding decor is important?
Why wedding decor is important?

This can be extremely embarrassing, particularly if you are opting for a black tie theme. The right wedding decorations should help to give your wedding an appearance that takes everyone’s breath away in the right way. Without their help, you might have guests who are happy for you but they will be appalled at the sloppiness of the wedding.

Should You Get a Professional

Make sure that your wedding is picture perfect by focusing on the kind of decor you are using for your wedding. In some cases, you can also opt to work with professionals for the perfect wedding decor. With their expertise as well as their designers, you can ensure that your wedding is executed with the right attention to detail.

Why wedding decor is important?

While many brides and grooms aren’t always willing to work with professionals, their expertise makes them well worth the cost. Moreover, they have a vast array of experience in helping plan the weddings of other brides and grooms. With their help, you can also focus on other aspects of the wedding while leaving the decor up to them.

Vinkkejä morsiamelle valokuvaajalta

Suunnittelet unelmiesi häitä, pohdit huolellisesti jokaista pientä yksityiskohtaa. Loppujen lopuksi se tulee olemaan päivä, jonka muistat koko loppuelämäsi. Mutta vuosia kuluttua häistä on jäljellä vain valokuva- ja videotiimisi vangitsemat hetket, tunteet ja muistot.

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