Weddings are joyous occasions meant to bring families and friends together, and children are often a big part of that equation. Whether they’re your kids, nieces, nephews, or the children of your guests, involving them in your wedding day can add an extra layer of joy and spontaneity. However, making sure that both the children and adults enjoy the day can require some careful planning. Here’s how to include children in your wedding in a way that keeps everyone happy.

1. Decide If You Want Children at Your Wedding

The first decision is whether to invite children at all. Some couples choose to have a child-free wedding, which can create a more formal atmosphere and reduce costs. If you go this route, it’s important to communicate your decision clearly and early, so parents have time to make childcare arrangements.

However, if you love the idea of little ones being part of your celebration, there are plenty of ways to make it work beautifully.

2. Involve Children in the Ceremony

children at the wedding

If you decide to include children, consider giving them special roles in the ceremony. Here are some ideas:

– Flower Girl or Boy: Traditionally, flower girls or boys walk down the aisle before the bride, scattering petals or carrying a small bouquet. This is a classic role that always delights guests.

– Ring Bearer: A young child can be entrusted with the rings, carrying them down the aisle on a pillow or in a decorative box.

– Junior Bridesmaid/Groomsman: Older children, especially those who are close to the bride or groom, can serve as junior bridesmaids or groomsmen. This gives them a role similar to the adults, making them feel important and included.

– Readers or Performers: If you have children who are comfortable speaking or performing in front of a crowd, they can read a poem, sing a song, or play a piece of music during the ceremony.

3. Create a Kid-Friendly Space

Weddings can be long and tiring, especially for younger guests. To keep them entertained and comfortable, consider setting up a kid-friendly area at your venue:

– Activity Tables: Set up tables with coloring books, crayons, puzzles, or small crafts. These can keep children busy during the reception or quieter moments like speeches.

– Quiet Corners: Create a cozy corner with pillows, blankets, and maybe a few children’s books. This can be a quiet place for younger children to rest if they get overwhelmed.

– Outdoor Play Area: If your venue has outdoor space, consider setting up a play area with games like lawn bowling, ring toss, or a small bouncy castle. This can be a great way for children to burn off energy in a safe environment.

4. Plan a Kid-Friendly Menu

Children are often picky eaters, so consider having a special menu just for them. Simple, familiar foods like chicken fingers, mac and cheese, or mini pizzas are usually a hit. You can also offer kid-friendly drinks like juice boxes or milk.

Don’t forget about dessert! Kids love sweet treats, so consider adding some child-friendly options like cupcakes, cookies, or an ice cream station.

5. Consider Hiring a Childcare Professional

Depending on the number of children attending your wedding, you might want to hire a professional to supervise them. A qualified babysitter or a team of childcare providers can keep an eye on the kids, organize activities, and ensure they’re safe and happy, allowing parents to relax and enjoy the day.

6. Communicate with Parents

Let parents know what to expect for their children at your wedding. Include details about the kid-friendly activities, menu options, and whether you’ll be providing childcare. This helps parents plan and ensures they feel comfortable bringing their little ones.

children at the wedding7. Be Flexible

No matter how well you plan, children can be unpredictable. Embrace the spontaneity they bring to the day. Whether it’s a toddler who decides to take a nap during the ceremony or a flower girl who gets stage fright, these moments often become the most memorable and endearing parts of the day.

8. Capture the Moments

Children bring a special kind of joy and energy to weddings. Make sure your photographer knows that you want to capture these moments. Photos of kids dancing, playing, or simply being themselves often make for some of the most heartwarming memories.


Including children in your wedding can add a layer of charm and delight that’s hard to replicate. With thoughtful planning, you can create an environment where children and adults feel comfortable and have fun. Whether it’s through special roles in the ceremony, kid-friendly spaces, or tailored menus, there are plenty of ways to make your wedding day enjoyable for guests of all ages. Embrace the joy and spontaneity children bring, and you’ll create a day filled with laughter, love, and memories to last a lifetime.